247 Pulaski Street, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 Sun School 9:30, Sun AM Worship 10:25, Sun PM Worship 6:00, Wed Bible Class 7:00



On Sunday at 9:30 am we have Bible classes for all ages.  At 10:25 a.m. our worship begins. We have Sunday evening worship at 6 p.m. (except on 4th and 5th Sundays when it is at 1 p.m.) and Wednesday night Bible study at 7:00 p.m. Members will be located at all entrances available to greet you. You may ask them how to proceed to class or worship. Classes on Sunday and Wednesday are divided by age group from infants to adults. There are multiple adult classes each quarter studying different Bible topics or books. You may attend the adult class of your choice.


Adhering to the plan outlined for the Lord’s church in the New Testament, worship services will consist of the following.

Singing: After announcements are made, acapella singing (without instrumentation) will usually begin the services.

Prayer: The congregation will be led in prayer by one of the brothers after a few songs.

Lord’s Supper: Before the sermon is presented, the Lord’s Supper will be served. This is an emblematic feast celebrated by Christians in remembrance of the sacrifice of Christ for our forgiveness. If you are not a member of the Lord’s church, feel free to simply pass the trays to the next person. There is no obligation or expectation for you to participate if you are not a member of the church of Christ.

Contribution: Immediately following the Lord’s Supper, the collection plate is passed. The Lord’s church in the New Testament gained finances for its work only by the willing contribution of its members. We continue that Biblical practice today. Again, you are not expected to contribute if you are not a member of the Lord’s church here at Pulaski Street.

Preaching: A sermon will be presented by our minister or, perhaps, by a visiting speaker. At the conclusion of the lesson, an invitation song will be sung. If you wish to be baptized into Christ, be restored to a right relationship with Jesus or request prayers for any purpose, you are invited to walk to the front of the auditorium during this invitation song. The minister will meet you and talk with you about your needs.